Hi there 👋🏽,
I’m Dhwani.

Urban Planning I Communications Design I Geospatial Analysis


🎓 Master of Science in Urban Planning from Columbia University

🎓 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Integrated Design from Parsons, The New School for Design


🌎 Building more resilient cities in the face of natural disasters and climate change

🌎 Designing more empathetic solutions that take a people-first approach


🏙️ Employing my creative thinking towards transforming the urban landscape

🏙️ Making our urban fabric more livable and resilient


🌱 Climate Resiliency

🌱 Urban Analytics

🌱 Community Engagement

🌱 Communications & Story-Telling

Here’s what
I've been up to ...

Interested in my written skills?

LA Urban agriculture

In an effort to encourage more urban agriculture within their jurisdiction, the densely populated City of Los Angeles adopted the Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone ordinance.

Climate adaptation In Houston

As the fourth largest city in the United States, Houston's population faces a growing threat from climate change. How can we begin to address these growing concerns?

Coastal Flooding & Social Vulnerability

Due to its coastal geography, the Rockaway Peninsula faces elevated vulnerability to coastal storms. How does social vulnerability play into the community’s capacities for storm preparation and recovery?

Pandemic Upends Global Food System

What are some of the ways the pandemic has upended the trend in food consumption in a dramatic fashion?

Get to know me more!

A brief overview of my professional work experience and skillsets.