landscape design
User experience

robotics lab landscape design


Designing the landscape for a robotics lab in the prestigious Emirates Towers Hotel, located in Dubai, UAE. This project was done as part of an internship with Cracknell, the leading landscape architecture firm in Dubai.


🤖 Designing an outdoor robotics lab in the prestigious Emirates Towers Hotel located in Dubai

🤖 Organizing the space to include a robot testing space, informal meeting rooms, a break-out area, and workstations


🚨 Dubai’s extreme heat poses comfort and safety challenges for this outdoor space

🚨 Dubai’s water scarcity demands the careful selection of low-water plants


☀️ The sustainability and functionality of this space demand careful and thoughtful decision-making

☀️ User experience within this space is essential, calling for the thoughtful integration of shade, play features, and greenery


🛝 Energy-generating fitness equipment and footpaths

🛝 Playful recycling bins

🛝 Food-producing walls

🛝 Solar energy-producing shade structures



A deep dive into Dubai’s climatic and cultural considerations led to the creation of two models for this site. The models were rendered using SketchUp and Lumion, and the aerial plans were produced using Photoshop.

This project was created as part of an internship with the leading landscape architecture firm Cracknell.

Software used include: SketchUp, Lumion, InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop.